7 Common mistakes new freelancers make (And how to avoid them)



Being new in the world of freelancers is nothing to worry about, except that you are making these mistakes that will affect you in the long run. Freelancing is a thrilling adventure, but let’s be honest, the path isn’t always smooth sailing. Most times. New freelancers often encounter pitfalls that can hinder their success. Fear not, we’ve got you covered! By learning from these common mistakes, you can navigate these challenges and set yourself up to thrive!


What are these mistakes?


Mistake 1: Undervaluing your worth


It’s tempting to offer rock-bottom rates to land clients, but this quick fix comes at a hefty price. You will not only struggle to make ends meet, but you will also undervalue your skills and expertise. Being new and then undervaluing it won’t benefit you in any way. You have to remember that you are running a business, not a charity. 


How to Avoid this: 

  • Research market rates for your services and experience level. Use freelance platforms, industry reports, and competitor analysis tools to get a clear picture.
  • Keep your confidence! Believe in your skills and the value you bring. Whether you are an entry level or expert level freelancer, don’t be afraid to charge what you are worth!
  • Price rightly. As much as you don’t want to undervalue, do not overvalue either, so you don’t underdeliver. You could consult experienced freelancers or use pricing calculators to determine a fair rate that covers your costs and leaves room for profit.


Mistake 2: Undermining the power of Portfolio and Testimonials

Your Portfolio is what speaks for you, even when you can’t speak for yourself at that moment. So, why would you choose a bad portfolio to represent you? Your Portfolio tells the client that you know your onions. This is why it’s important to showcase your best in a well-curated portfolio that emphasizes your skills and expertise. Not just that alone, but one that resonates with your target audience. Encourage satisfied clients to leave testimonials that build trust and credibility. 


How to Avoid this:

  • Invest in a professional portfolio website or online platform.
  • Regularly update your portfolio with your latest or new projects.
  • Proactively gather and showcase positive client testimonials.


Mistake 3: Skipping the Contract and clear communication


Contracts aren’t just for big corporations. If handshakes and word of mouth were enough, contracts would never have been born! Having a contract would protect both you and your client by outlining the project scope, deadlines, payment terms, and any other crucial details. Also, having clear communication from the start and all through the project would clear out misunderstandings, ensuring everyone is on the same page.


How to Avoid this:

  • Have a contract; don’t leave anything to chance! You could use an online template. Platforms like Upwork have their own contracts but may not be specific to the project deliverables, deadlines, and the rest. You could allow a lawyer to draft one for you too if it’s not a short-term-based project. Canva can also be used to create what is called a mindmap, which is less serious than a contract but would artistically represent to you and the client what the project is all about. 


Mistake 4: Saying Yes to Everything!


Usually, new freelancers tend to say yes to everything because they need the money, but they forget that boundaries are also quite important. Saying yes to everything would make you lose balance and, in turn, suffer from burnout. Setting boundaries is the key to maintaining a healthy work-life balance and being productive. The same goes for clients; offering services beyond the job scope and agreements, without you freely offering them, would make some clients take you for granted. 


How to Avoid this:

  • Prioritize strictly! Access your workload and capacity before committing to new projects. Learn to say ”No”, and you could offer suggestions if necessary.
  • Utilize time-management tools and techniques to stay organized and efficient. Make sure to schedule breaks and personal time in between to avoid burnout.
  • Communicate clearly with your clients, so you can set clear expectations around availability and response times. Don’t be afraid to politely decline work outside of your agreed-upon hours. 


Mistake 5: Giving up too soon!


Oftentimes, new freelancers don’t get jobs as fast as they want, so they quit so soon, thinking freelancing is not really worth it. Freelancing is not a bed of roses, it comes with its own rainbows and sunshine too. Understand that challenges are inevitable, and they may be difficult initially, but they’re not impossible. 


How to Avoid this: 

  • Face the setbacks and challenges head-on! Normalize setbacks/failures and see them as learning opportunities to become better. Reflect on your mistake, change your approach, and then move forward. 
  • Join a community. The power of communities cannot be overemphasized. Communities and forums would give you support, expose you, and make you better in the long run. 
  • Learn new things, ways, and techniques to do things better. This would put you on a better path to success!


Mistake 6: Not promoting yourself and networking


Building a successful freelancing career requires that you consistently put yourself out there. While you are pursuing landing clients on freelance platforms, actively market yourself and network with relevant people in your space or even beyond. Although freelancing offers solitude, collaboration and community are crucial for growth and exposure. 


How to Avoid this:

  • Build a consistent social media presence by utilizing social media platforms like Linkedin, Instagram, or even Facebook. Engage with potential clients and industry professionals.
  • Attend industry events, join communities, and collaborate with other freelancers in order to build your network.
  • Content is king, as they say. Share your expertise and build credibility by creating informative posts like blogs, articles, or even video tutorials. 


Mistake 7: Chasing perfectionism and neglecting Professional Development


While striving for excellence is admirable, don’t let perfectionism paralyze you. Deliver high-quality work on time, embrace constructive criticism, and remember that progress is better than perfectionism. On the other hand, learning would help you make progress faster, and this is why you should neglect the importance of upskilling. Take online courses, attend webinars or workshops that are relevant to your field. 


How to Avoid this:

  • Set realistic deadlines and communicate openly with your clients about potential challenges. 
  • Delegate tasks if necessary, and prioritize timely delivery over unnecessary delays.
  • Dedicate time and resources to ongoing learning. Explore online courses and certifications. Stay updated on industry trends and new technologies. 




You must remember that it’s a journey, and it won’t always be a smooth ride. Building a successful freelancing career takes time, dedication, discipline,  and resources. Learn from your mistakes and move on. If you avoid these pitfalls, you are well on your way to conquering the freelance world. Cheers to you!


Dr Temitope Olukunle Okeseeyin,

Founder, University of Freelancing.







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