Balancing work and life as a Freelancer



They say, ‘’All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!’’  Well, the freedom and flexibility of freelancing can make one forget that life is not just about work, work, work! Oftentimes, the lines between ‘’office hours’’ and ”personal time” can blur. This would slowly but surely lead to tiredness from juggling so much, burnout, stress, and a not-too-thriving freelance career. Of course, when we mean balance, we don’t mean like a 50-50 thing, but knowing how to create a harmony with both that neither chokes the other. 


How does this work? 


With the right techniques and strategies, you can achieve work-life equilibrium and truly enjoy the perks of self-employment. Let’s jump into it!


Utilize the power of planning


  • Make planning your best friend: You have to learn to schedule your day like a pro. Planning should be your best friend. Block dedicated hours for work, breaks, and personal activities. If you find journaling (Using pen and paper) a little daunting, technology has made things easier for you. You can use tools like Calendars (Google calendar or Calendly), planners or time-tracking apps to stay organized. 


  • Prioritize strictly: On a scale of preference, know which task are urgent and those that aren’t, the ones that would require more time and those that can be done shortly, and those you can automate instead of doing them manually every time. All of this would help you know which task you should pay urgent attention to and deal with first. Delegate and outsource if you can to others, so your workload might be lighter. Also, Batch make similar tasks to save time. 

Create and maintain Boundaries


  • Designate a workspace: Create a physical or virtual space dedicated to work, especially in your home. This would help signal to your brain that it’s time for work and not rest. It would also keep you focused and make your creative juices flow. This is very important, or you will keep lazing around when you are supposed to be working. 


  • Set clear working hours: communicate from the start to your client your availability and stick to it. This would prevent you from infringing on the time you already mapped out for other quality things. So, don’t be afraid to politely decline after-work tasks or projects.


  • Turn off notifications to avoid distractions when working: Putting off phone and laptop notifications would keep your attention span longer on work when you need to. If you don’t, you will keep getting distracted, and you may not end up finishing what you need to do on time.


Invest in Self-care


  • Schedule ‘’Me’’ time: Dedicate time for activities you enjoy, whether it’s reading, playing games, watching movies, spending them with loved ones, or even sleeping. These breaks would help your emotional and mental wellbeing, keeping you refreshed.

  • Eat and live healthy: Eat healthy, drink a lot of water to stay hydrated, and move your body by performing exercises that would help your muscles that have been in a position for a long time. Make sure to get enough sleep. Regular exercises would help destress you and boost your productivity.


Don’t walk in Isolation


  • Be a part of a community: Connect with others; don’t let the isolation that comes with freelancing get to you, that you don’t get to make and keep vital relationships. Others who have gone ahead or at the same level with you will help you thrive.


  • Seek help whenever you are struggling:  Don’t shy away from seeking professional help whenever you are struggling. Having a Coach or Mentor would help you in more ways than one. 



Make good use of the flexible nature of freelancing, which allows you to adjust your schedule based on your needs and preferences. Celebrate your wins. Take your time, see what works for you and what doesn’t. Dear Freelancer, don’t join them to say, ‘’This life no balance!’’ when you can actually create that balance to make your life easier.


Dr. Temitope Olukunle-Okeseeyin,

Founder, University of Freelancing.

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