Building a Personal Brand as a Freelancer



Dear Future Forward Freelancers! Are you ready to take your freelance journey to the next level? Buckle up, because today we will be diving into the world of building your personal brand as a Freelancer. And guess what? We are not just talking about any old branding, we are talking about crafting a brand that’ll make you stand out in a sea of Freelancers. Building a personal brand is about strategically managing how you are perceived by others, with the goal of advancing your career, building professional relationships, and achieving your personal and professional goals.

Why is building a Personal Brand important? 


You are a brand! You can’t afford to play small with a multitude of competent Freelancers, taking your business like it’s something not worth putting effort into and packaging for. Well, let me break it down for you. Picture this scenario: You’re scrolling through one of your favorite Freelancing platforms looking for who to hire or even gigs. Then you stumble upon two profiles offering the same service. One is just a bland list of skills and experiences, while the other feels like you’re connecting with a real person—they’ve got a brand that speaks volumes about who they are and what they bring to the table. Which would you choose? Obviously, the one with a killer brand!

This means you have a voice that shouldn’t be silenced. It also means that your branding is what leaves a beautiful impression in the minds of people. The freelancing world is becoming more competitive than ever and it will continue to be, so building a strong personal brand is what sets you apart from the pack. 


Understanding the Cs of Branding


Clarity: You must have clarity on what you want to be known for and stand for. Clarity would determine the methods, processes and structures you would need to put in place to give the intended impression to your target audience.


Curation: This has to do with gathering content that tells the story of your brand. Curating content should not remove the authenticity and believability of your content. The contents you curate should project your vision easily to your target audience. Let it have your voice, don’t speak like others.


Creativity: Contents need to be presented in a very creative way in order to stand out from the plethora of freelancers who are doing, if not the same thing you do, but similar. People’s attention span is shorter as time goes on, so you need to do something differently that will keep clients fixated on your brand.


Community: You can’t do it alone! Being a part of a community would sharpen your branding techniques and methods, keeping you ahead of the game. It’s very important for you to be a part of a community; it makes the journey easier.


So, how do we build a brand? 

Let’s explore some branding tips that would definitely set the foundation for you and help you. Understanding this would make clients flock to you like bees to honey and put you in the minds of family, friends, or your community when it comes to certain areas of Freelancing.


  • Find and define your Niche: Freelancing is a highly competitive and large market that you can’t afford to be general like everyone else and be seeking a better result. So, to stand out from the crowd, you have to find and define your niche—the spot where your skills and expertise meet a specific target audience in a general or large space. Whether you are a wiz at web design or digital marketing, owning your niche will help you attract the right kind of clients who are itching to work with someone like you.


  • Build your online presence: In today’s digital age, your online presence is your calling card. So, give your website a thorough cleaning, update your LinkedIn page, and ensure that your social media presence is strong. But never forget—consistency is the key! Ensure that the visual identity and messaging of your brand are the same on all of your online channels.


  • Showcase Your Expertise: Alright, now that you’ve got your online house in order, it’s time to show the world what you’re made of. Start a blog, create helpful tutorials, and share your insights on social media. Do whatever it takes to showcase your expertise and establish yourself as a thought leader in your field.


  • Build Relationships: Lastly, but just as importantly, building relationships is the key to creating a fantastic personal brand. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there, interact with your audience on social media, and network like there’s no tomorrow. Keep in mind that people do business with individuals they know, like, and trust; thus, stay true to who you are and watch the relationships grow. 



In conclusion, you have to understand that building a brand takes patience and consistency. Believe you can handle it and make smart plans towards achieving it. 


Dr Temitope Olukunle-Okeseeyin

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