Remote Work Etiquette: Dos and Don’ts for Virtual Meetings

Remote work has become the new normal for many of us, and with it comes the necessity of virtual meetings. While virtual meetings can be incredibly efficient, they come with their own set of challenges and etiquette rules. Dear Future-Forward Freelancer, whether you’re a remote work veteran or new to the scene, here are some essential dos and don’ts for virtual meetings to ensure professionalism and productivity.


  1. Do: Test Your Technology Before the Meeting

Ensure that your internet connection is stable, and test your camera and microphone before the meeting starts. This prevents technical difficulties that can delay the meeting and cause frustration.

Don’t: Ignore Technical Issues

If you encounter technical issues during the meeting, address them immediately. If you can’t fix them quickly, inform the meeting organizer and ask for help or reschedule if necessary.


  1. Do: Dress Appropriately

Even though you’re at home, dressing appropriately for virtual meetings is important. It shows respect for your colleagues and sets a professional tone.

Don’t: Wear Casual or Distracting Clothing

Avoid wearing pajamas, overly casual attire, or anything that could be distracting. Dress as you would if you were attending an in-person meeting.


  1. Do: Find a Quiet, Distraction-Free Environment

Choose a quiet spot with minimal background noise and distractions. Inform family members or roommates about your meeting schedule to avoid interruptions.

Don’t: Take Meetings in Noisy or Chaotic Spaces

Avoid places with a lot of background noise, like cafes or areas with ongoing activities. Background noise can be disruptive and unprofessional.


  1. Do: Use a Professional Background

If possible, find a plain or professional-looking background for your video. Many platforms also offer virtual backgrounds to help you maintain a professional appearance.

Don’t: Use Distracting or Inappropriate Backgrounds

Avoid backgrounds that are messy, cluttered, or overly personal. Distracting backgrounds can take attention away from the meeting content.


  1. Do: Mute Yourself When Not Speaking

Keep your microphone muted when you’re not speaking to minimize background noise. This helps maintain clarity and focus during the meeting.

Don’t: Leave Your Microphone On Unnecessarily

Leaving your microphone on can lead to unwanted background noise, which can be disruptive. Remember to unmute yourself when you need to speak.


  1. Do: Be Punctual

Join the meeting a few minutes early to ensure you’re ready when it starts. Punctuality shows respect for everyone’s time.

Don’t: Arrive Late Without Notice

If you’re going to be late, inform the organizer ahead of time. Joining late can disrupt the flow of the meeting and cause others to repeat information.


  1. Do: Stay Engaged and Participate

Actively listen, nod, and respond to show you’re engaged. Use the chat feature to ask questions or share thoughts if appropriate.

Don’t: Multitask During the Meeting

Avoid checking emails, browsing the internet, or engaging in other activities. Multitasking can lead to missed information and signals that you’re not fully present.


  1. Do: Follow the Agenda

Stick to the meeting agenda and stay on topic. This helps keep the meeting focused and ensures all necessary points are covered.

Don’t: Go Off-Topic

Avoid introducing unrelated topics or lengthy tangents. Off-topic discussions can waste time and detract from the meeting’s purpose.


  1. Do: Respect Turn-Taking

Wait for your turn to speak and avoid interrupting others. Use hand-raising features if the platform supports it, or wait for a natural pause to interject.

Don’t: Dominate the Conversation

Give others a chance to speak and contribute. Dominating the conversation can prevent valuable input from your colleagues.


  1. Do: Provide Feedback and Follow-Up

If the meeting requires follow-up actions, provide feedback or updates promptly. Clear communication after the meeting helps ensure that tasks are completed and objectives are met.

Don’t: Ignore Action Items

Failing to follow up on assigned tasks or ignoring meeting outcomes can hinder progress and affect team productivity.



Virtual meetings are a staple of remote work, and following proper etiquette is crucial for their success. By testing your technology, dressing appropriately, finding a distraction-free environment, using a professional background, muting yourself when not speaking, being punctual, staying engaged, following the agenda, respecting turn-taking, and providing feedback and follow-up, you can ensure that your virtual meetings are productive and professional. Embrace these dos and don’ts to enhance your remote work experience and foster effective communication and collaboration.


Dr. Temitope Okeseeyin,

University of Freelancing.


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