Building your Career in a VUCA world

What is a VUCA world, and how do you build on it?

To remain relevant and overcome any career storms or uncertainty, all African talents must possess problem-solving skills in this VUCA world. VUCA is an acronym that typifies the business climate of the 21st century. Both individuals and corporate entities deal with issues.

VUCA stands for:

V- volatility in the economy.

U- uncertainty in business and government policies.

C- complexity of market needs and shifts.

A- ambiguity of available information.

It is a term used to describe the unpredictable and rapidly changing business environment that organizations and individuals often operate in.


Temitope Olukunle, a Human Resources Consultant and one of Africa’s foremost ‘Gig Economy’ advocates, states that the VUCA phenomenon has come to stay. There are changes every day driven by new technologies, cultural trends, global shifts, and discoveries in science. In this new world of work, change is no longer the exception but the rule. Our workflow is subject to change and disruption. Those who understand this will be the leaders we need. In the words of Winston Churchill, “Never waste a good crisis.” We must be willing to apply this logic.


Building a career in a VUCA world can be challenging because it requires adaptability, resilience, and the ability to navigate complex and often ambiguous situations. For some time now, leadership development programs have encouraged us to develop our problem-solving skills, but why is this so important to our VUCA world? Regardless of our area of ​​expertise, we may all be called upon to navigate challenging situations that require us to work with others to find solutions to new challenges.


To navigate this dynamic world, Temitope argues that African Talents need to build up their problem-solving skills. Businesses at present engage in spur-of-the-moment decision-making in response to the ever-changing dynamics of the marketplace. These corporate entities will also require that employees and other staff be able to offer solutions based on their skill sets and problem-solving capabilities.


What to focus on when navigating your career:


Develop agility and adaptability: In a VUCA world, things are constantly changing and evolving. To be successful, you need to be able to adapt quickly and efficiently to new situations and challenges. For example, if you work in the marketing industry and your company decides to shift focus from traditional marketing to digital marketing, you need to be able to quickly learn new skills and adapt your approach to succeed in this new environment.


Build a strong network: In a VUCA world, it’s important to have a diverse network of connections and relationships to help you navigate the unpredictable landscape. For example, if you’re an entrepreneur looking to launch a new product, having a network of advisors, mentors, and potential customers can be invaluable in helping you make informed decisions and navigate any challenges that arise. Having a diverse network of contacts can help you stay informed about new opportunities, get valuable feedback and support, and find mentors and sponsors who can help you advance your career. To build your networks, you might consider joining professional organizations or networking groups or attending industry events and conferences. You can also build your networks by reaching out to people in your industry and asking for informational interviews or introductions.


Embrace lifelong learning: In a VUCA world, it’s important to continuously learn and upskill to stay relevant and competitive. For example, if you’re an HR professional, you might want to consider taking courses or earning certifications in areas like data analytics or artificial intelligence, as these skills are becoming increasingly important in the modern workplace.



Take calculated risks: In a VUCA world, it’s important to be willing to take calculated risks in order to advance your career and achieve your goals. For example, if you’re a writer looking to break into a new genre or market, you might need to take a risk and pitch your work to new publications or agents, even if there’s a chance of rejection. By being strategic and mindful about the risks you take, you can open up new opportunities and achieve greater success.


Embrace a Growth Mindset: In a VUCA world, it is important to have a growth mindset and be open to learning and adapting. This means being willing to take on new challenges, seek out opportunities for learning and development, embrace change, and be willing to pivot where necessary. To build your career in a VUCA world, it is essential to continuously learn and develop your skills and knowledge and to be open to trying new things. For example, you might consider pursuing additional education or training or seeking out new opportunities for growth within your organization. It is important to stay adaptable and agile in order to navigate change and uncertainty. It is also important to have a plan B and to be prepared for unexpected challenges or setbacks. For example, you might consider building a diverse skill set or a network of contacts in different industries so that you have options if your current path becomes less viable.


In Conclusion

Building your career in a VUCA world can be challenging, especially on a continent like ours, but it is also an exciting opportunity to grow and adapt. By focusing on your values, building a strong network of support, continuously learning and growing, and staying agile and adaptable, you can position yourself for success in this rapidly changing environment. Remember that building your career is a journey, and it is important to stay true to yourself and your goals while being open to new opportunities and challenges along the way.


Temitope Olukunle Okeseeyin

Founder, University of Freelancing.

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