
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a Freelancer

  Hey fellow future-forward freelancers, have you ever felt like you’re not good enough or that your success is just a stroke of luck? You’re not alone. Many freelancers experience imposter syndrome – a persistent feeling of inadequacy or self-doubt despite evidence of success. I used

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Mastering SEO as a Freelancer

Introduction   Hey there, Future Forward Freelancers! Are you ready and eager to advance your online presence? Knowing SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is essential to being distinguished in the freelance space, regardless of your experience level. In today’s competitive market, merely possessing an outstanding skill set

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Handling Freelance Contracts: Essential elements and Samples

Hey fellow future forward freelancers! Landed your first freelance Gig? That’s awesome! However, there’s one important step you must complete before you start the project: the contract. A contract might sound intimidating, but fear not! It’s not that complicated. It’s important, for the benefit of both

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Balancing work and life as a Freelancer

Introduction   They say, ‘’All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!’’  Well, the freedom and flexibility of freelancing can make one forget that life is not just about work, work, work! Oftentimes, the lines between ‘’office hours’’ and ”personal time” can blur. This

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Dealing with difficult clients as a freelancer

Introduction   Freelancing comes with its own quirks; while being your own boss is sweet, navigating difficult clients can be overwhelming. No two clients are the same. You may have been coming across sweet-natured clients all the while, only to meet one that is quite difficult.

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How to network and build relationships as a freelancer

Introduction   Building relationships as a solopreneur can be a little daunting sometimes, but let’s face it, Freelancers at times, prefer to be hunched over a laptop in a secluded corner. Networking makes building strong connections possible, and this is the lifeblood of any thriving Freelancing

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How to stay motivated and inspired as a freelancer

Introduction   Diving into the freelance world, experiencing its flexible and exciting nature brings a level of independence that may sometimes affect one’s level of motivation. Staying motivated in these depressing times could be quite difficult, but not impossible. Lacking motivation would affect your level of

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7 Common mistakes new freelancers make (And how to avoid them)

Introduction   Being new in the world of freelancers is nothing to worry about, except that you are making these mistakes that will affect you in the long run. Freelancing is a thrilling adventure, but let’s be honest, the path isn’t always smooth sailing. Most times.

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How to manage your time as a freelancer and not experience burnout!

Introduction   Juggling multiple projects, fighting distractions, deadlines closing in, feeling overwhelmed, and wishing for more hours in the day… .Sound familiar? In today’s fast-paced world, effective time management feels like a superpower. Well, you can too, but only if you can master your schedule, which

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Writing killer Proposals to land that Job

In this fast-paced and increasingly popular world of freelancing, your proposal is your battle cry—a persuasive weapon that separates you from others and lands you the coveted project. But it’s paramount to know that crafting a proposal that shines would require more than just listing your

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