How to stay motivated and inspired as a freelancer



Diving into the freelance world, experiencing its flexible and exciting nature brings a level of independence that may sometimes affect one’s level of motivation. Staying motivated in these depressing times could be quite difficult, but not impossible. Lacking motivation would affect your level of productivity and cause you to keep procrastinating. 

I have had my fair share of demotivation, and I can tell you that it’s not a good place to be. It affects even other aspects of your life. So.avoiding these and reigniting those flames of motivation is why I write this to you; let’s dive in!




  • Remember your Why(s): Whys are important in order for us to be able to reignite the flames of motivation. They were the reasons you started freelancing in the first place. Reconnecting back to those reasons would help you place your priorities right once again. Remind yourself of the freedom, flexibility, impact, or increase you sought. Write it down, visualize it, and let it fuel your daily drive.

  • Celebrate your small and big wins: Freelancing is a marathon, not a sprint! Learn to celebrate every accomplishment; whether big or small. Your definition of small and big wins depends totally on you, your niche, your learning progress, your goals and plans, and the project(s) you are currently working on. Just make sure to acknowledge yourself and the hard work you have put in every step of the way. 

  • Nourish your Inspiration: Nothing happens by chance. Feeding your mind with negativity and depressing contents will never get you motivated. Feed your mind with positive, inspiring, and healthy contents. Consistent exposure to stories of people who failed in freelancing or gave up too early would definitely demotivate you. No man can prosper beyond his mindset. Make sure to intentionally direct your mind toward positive and healthy information, such as books, podcasts, social media posts, etc. 



  • Master your schedule: Freedom without structure is chaos. Craft a flexible schedule that balances work, personal time, and breaks. Plan your day using time management techniques and set realistic goals to avoid being overwhelmed.

  • Keep track of your progress: Sometimes we don’t know how far we have gone or improved when we do not keep track of our progress. Keeping track of your progress is a powerful way to stay motivated. You can have a journal to document your journey or an app that could help you track your progress. Seeing how far you have come will inspire you to keep moving forward and exceed your last progress. 

  • Invest heavily in self care:Working hard is good, but if you don’t invest heavily in self care, your body and mind won’t be able to carry the weight of the sacrifices you are making. Schedule activities you enjoy doing: reading a good book, taking a walk, meeting up with friends. Also, remember to practice digital detox: constant connectivity can be overwhelming. Silence notifications, put away your phone and laptop, and reconnect with the world around you. Taking this mental break would help you with fresh perspectives and renewed motivation. 

  • Have a mentor and join a community:Isolation is your fastest way to demotivation which could eventually lead to depression. Having a mentor and joining a community would help you to share your experiences, receive guidance, and learn from others too. They would give you another perspective to things, new ways and methods to get things done, and they would help keep your motivation afloat.




Remember, it’s not just about getting things done but enjoying every process and reaching borderless heights in your freelancing career. Tailor these to your needs and then take actions. Dear freelancer, you can do it!


Dr. Temitope Olukunle Okeseeyin,

Founder, University of Freelancing.


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