Unmute your Mic in 2024

What do we mean by ”Unmute your Mic?”

Happy new year, and welcome to 2024!

This is the year to pursue your dreams, goals, aspirations, and visions head-on without shrinking back. It’s the year to UNMUTE YOUR MIC and let the creative juices in you flow into valuable ideas that would produce viable results.

You have to be daring, and you can’t afford to be in the shadows when the stage has been set up for you to claim.

The Laws that would guide you on this journey

Here are 30 laws I created to help you in this journey and also serve as a reminder to you every step of the way:

The Law of Vision:

“Picture this: Your dreams are the stars, and your vision is the roadmap to reach them. What does your ideal 2024 look like? Clearly see where you want to go, and let that vision drive your every step for the next 30 days. “

The Law of Knowledge:

“Think of knowledge as your secret weapon. It’s not just what you know, but how you use it. Every day, feed your mind with something new and watch your abilities expand. People think growth just happens; no, it’s a result of new knowledge.”

The Law of Branding:

“Imagine you’re a brand. What do you want people to feel when they interact with you? Your personal brand is your unique fingerprint—cultivate it with authenticity and let it speak volumes.”

The Law of Value:

“Life’s a give-and-take. Make sure you’re on the giving end. Don’t be the one receiving all the time. Whether it’s in your work or relationships, strive to leave a positive mark. Be the person who adds value to every situation and to everyone.”

The Law of Execution:

“Dreams meet reality through action. Break down your goals into doable tasks and start checking them off. Remember, progress is a series of small steps taken every day, and like I love to say, Execution is the name of the Game.”

The Law of Character:

“Character is your reputation in the hearts of others. Let honesty and authenticity be your calling cards. Let us know when you say A, A is what we will meet. Stand tall in your principles, and let your character speak louder than words.”

The Law of People:

“Collaboration is the new Competition. Life is better together. Surround yourself with those who uplift you. Build connections, share ideas, and remember that your network is your net worth.”

The Law of Creativity:

“Think outside the box; scratch that; forget the box altogether; think like there is no box; I call it Outnovate! Creativity is your superpower—use it to solve problems, innovate, and make every day a canvas for your unique expression.”

The Law of Excellence:

“Good is the enemy of great. Don’t settle. Strive for excellence in everything you do. It’s not about perfection, but about the journey of always getting better. As little as what you put on your WhatsApp status, check it well. Is it excellent?”

The Law of Risk:

“Every risk you take is a step closer to your dreams. Embrace the uncertainty, take calculated risks, and let the thrill of the unknown fuel your journey. Every time I have grown in my career, I realized that I have said Yes to something that scared me but stretched me.”

The Law of Savings and Investment:

“Think of your savings as seeds. Plant them wisely, and watch them grow into a garden. Invest in yourself and your future, and enjoy the fruits of your financial discipline. Savings doesn’t have to be in millions; start from where you are.”

The Law of Faith:

“Close your eyes and believe in yourself, but most importantly, believe that their is a God in heaven ruling in the affairs of your life. Faith is your silent cheerleader.”

The Law of Confidence:

“Confidence is your best accessory. Wear it every day. Trust in your abilities, and let that be your guiding star. Believe in your unique abilities, and others will too. Your confidence is contagious, and if you believe you can’t or can, you will always be right.”

The Law of Communities:

“You can’t do life alone, just like you’ve been on this journey together. Find a tribe, engage with your tribe, share your journey, and celebrate each other’s victories. Together, we go further.”

The Law of Authenticity:

“Imagine being a magnet for the right opportunities. That’s authenticity in action. I have seen people attract the wrong audience because they themselves are not authentic. Be true to yourself, because the world needs your unique flavor.”

The Law of Productivity:

“Beyond tasks and to-dos, choose what nourishes your goals. Manage your time like a pro and watch your productivity skyrocket. Cut down on distractions; let nobody waste your time this season.”

The Law of Fun:

“Work hard, play harder. Inject joy into your daily grind. When you enjoy what you do, you become unstoppable. Find the fun in every day and in the work that you do.”

The Law of Family:

“Family is your anchor in the storm. Nurture those bonds, and let the love and support you get from them be the wind beneath your wings. Family is also not just limited to blood relations but also to those who have stood by you.”

The Law of Exposure:

“Life’s an adventure. Seek new experiences, meet different people, and broaden your horizons. The height of your knowledge is the beginning for some, so calm down. Exposure is the key to unlocking your full potential.”

The Law of Platforms:

“You can’t be everywhere if you don’t want to burn out. So make a decision, because Platforms are your amplifiers. Choose them wisely, and let your voice resonate where it matters.”

The Law of Gratitude:

“What a year! Gratitude is the attitude that changes everything. Count your blessings, big or small, and watch how a grateful heart transforms your perspective.”

The Law of Accountability:

“Own it. Whatever ‘it’ is, take responsibility. Accountability is the cornerstone of growth. It’s not about blame; it’s about empowerment.”

The Law of Growth:

“The result you want is in the other side of the work you are running away from. Life’s a journey, not a destination. Embrace the twists and turns, learn from every experience, and watch how continuous growth becomes your superpower.”

The Law of Habits:

“What we’ve done so far is a habit-building system. Small habits have a big impact. Picture your habits as the architects of your success. As we go forward, build the ones that will stand the test of time.”

The Law of Discipline:

“Discipline is your personal trainer for success. Train yourself to stay focused, overcome obstacles, and keep pushing forward. No one is coming to save you (Jesus already did). The rest is on you. You’ve got this!”

The Law of Support Systems:

“Imagine having a cheer squad for life. Build your support system—mentors, friends, allies—who will have your back through thick and thin. Get an assistants if you want but don’t go alone in 2024.”

The Law of Audacity:

“Dare to dream big. Be bold in your actions. You owe yourself that. If you don’t believe in you, who will? The audacity to go after what others deem impossible is the spirit of innovation.”

The Law of Focus:

“Focus is your spotlight. Direct it on your priorities, eliminate distractions, and watch how a concentrated effort magnifies your impact.”

The Law of Smart work:

“Work smarter, not just harder. Find tools and AI technologies that can help you get the things done faster. Picture each task as a puzzle; find the most efficient way to solve it. Smart work is your shortcut to success.”

The Law of Prayer:

“After all is said and done, PRAY O. We both know the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong, na God dey run am.  


In Conclusion

This new year, you can achieve all you have planned out and desired if you Unmute your Mic. Remember, no gree for anybody this year to stay in the shadows or stay silent with unique talents at your disposal. Shine brightly, find your voice, and express it unapologetically! You can do it; believe in yourself!



Temitope Olukunle-Okeseeyin

Founder, University of Freelancing.






Comments (2)

  • ?s=96&d=mm&r=g

    Oluwaseun Omogbeja

    January 29, 2024

    Really insightful compilation. Thank you

    • 97f5b90584591210cc7f33ade06a6661?s=96&d=mm&r=g

      University Of Freelancing

      March 5, 2024

      Thank you so much, Oluwaseun for reading through. I’m glad it was insightful for you. Don’t forget to read more from our blog to learn how to journey far in freelancing Cheers to you!

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